Welcome to Restoration Fellowship
65 Sea Cliff Ave, Glen Cove, NY 11542 –
Sunday Worship at 10:30
Blessings! As a fellowship we receive Restoration as both a promise and a purpose. I think our website is informative and edifying. Feel free to look around and contact us.
Favor and Shalom,
David Harwood
During the winter months, meetings are subject to inclement weather.
*Friday night meetings during the months of January and February will ONLY be on Zoom.*
If you’re not on our mailing list or Group Me, contact us at restorationfellowshipny@gmail.com for up-to-date meeting schedules.
We are fully open every Sunday for worship, but we also offer access via Zoom and Facebook Live for those who can’t make it in person. If you would like to receive a link to any of our online meetings, Please email us at: restorationfellowshipny@gmail.com

Pastor David Harwood has entered the world of online broadcasting with a weekly podcast: Love & War. Pastor Harwood shares personal experiences, tips for increasing a relationship with God and insight into the Father’s heart. Listen, learn and share with others.
Latest Episode
Real Messages
Original Songs
Latest Album by David Harwood
Looking for a City is a collection of songs by David Harwood that are intended for use in worship and for personal edification. Each song was written/co-written by David and has been used regularly in worship at Restoration Fellowship, for many years. With the help of Leonard Jones, Bennett Ward and several talented singers from near and far, LfaC is a labor of love that took dedication, prayer and the grace of God to produce.

Find on iTunes, Spotify and Amazon Music!