The Positive Side of Pain or ….the Gain of Pain! by Shmuel Birnbaum

May 22, 2011

One of my worst memories was suffering from an aching tooth into the middle of the night. I could only walk around in agony. Finally, I elected to go to one of the numerous 24 hour dental clinics in my city. I received relief, and soon after I received a root canal. Wow! Now there will be no more pain from this tooth. Great!

However, I soon discovered that killing and removing of the root was basically killing the tooth. A dead tooth is never as strong as a living one. So, the pain was gone, but so was the life of the tooth.

Often, when we have physical  we seek medical help and  receive medication which can  deaden our pain, but rarely cure the real problem. Medication helps but does not solve the problem and invariably brings side effects and a downside which we need to tolerate.

Emotional pain can be dealt with as well with tranquilizers, sedatives and whatever to numb the emotional anxiety, but the result is a person made insensitive. The solution may be vital, but the answer has its downside. Do we really want to have emotional death?

Sometimes, we are hurt by others, wounded, broken. What should we do? Without proper care, bitterness can set in. We need help.

Others can help, but sometimes speaking to friends will mean enlisting another to be on our side, to join with our fleshly, human  stand against injustice.  We may feel better, but we have allowed our poisoned feelings to spread to another. We have spread the infection.

We may, however, have a godly, mature friend who will listen in love and wisdom and provide and guide us to our only answer, fellowship with Him.

There can be  a positive side to emotional pain or grief, our hurts, our inner struggles. An answer is available and our need is vital.

Paul talks about it much in 2 Corinthians. He explains that the intensity of his struggles has given him also an abundance of grace and comfort from God. Peter also says so clearly that we are to cast all our cares upon Him for He cares for us (1 Peter 5:3).

So, what is the positive side of pain for believers? What can we gain from the agony of inner turmoil?

We gain because we become much more sensitive to our weaknesses, and therefore more sympathetic and empathetic with others around us. Others need us! They need others who “have been there.”

We most of all gain another time of embracing our ever loving Lord, of sensing His embrace, of bringing a care that has no human solution to the one Counselor who will not fail us. We gain as we lose more of who we are and gain more from Him.

The pain, the trial helps further chisel the statue of proud self sufficiency that we have so stubbornly built up. In our weakness, in our failure, in our sorrow, we see further how much we need Him. We, if we are wise, draw near to Him with a broken heart, a needy soul…and He will be there!

We gain, because we gain that which is of the best of all, more of MESSIAH in our lives!

Philippians 3: 9   That I may know Him……